Gulliver’s Doggie Education
Gulliver’s offers several options for training with your dog. Classes are held in the evenings (unless otherwise noted) and run in 6 or 7 week sessions. Classes are offered approximately every 8 weeks, with a break November to January. Non refundable payment is required to hold your spot. Bring lots of easy to chew treats, a 6ft leash and a hungry dog! Private lessons and Canine Good Citizen Testing are available by appointment. You can see our available class schedule and sign up on the customer portal!
Basic Pet Obedience/Canine Good Citizen
All the good things a dog should know! Walking politely on leash, sit, down, stay, come when called, meeting and greeting dogs and strangers, and much more.
Recommended for young and old alike. AKC Canine Good Citizen training and test included in the curriculum. What is the Canine Good Citizen?
2nd Level Pet Obedience
The next step after gaining your Canine Good Citizen certificate. More advanced stays, build on attention, heeling, added distraction. Work toward off leash control. Keep your dog thinking and learning to maintain good manners! This class also meets out in public for real world practice.
Beginner Pet Agi
Introduce your dog to the fun of each agility obstacle. This class is a motivational confidence building class where we teach the dogs to love agility obstacles, and working with you. Obedience not required, but it can help!
2nd Level Pet Agility
Ready to add on what you learned in Beginner Agility? Learn basic agility handling to help you and your dogs communicate on course. Keep your dog learning and challenged with various games and drills to improve upon their foundation skills.
Dock Diving
Have you ever seen dogs dock diving on TV or maybe at a fair? Did you know the current world record distance jump is held by a dog named Sounders and is OVER 36′?! Dock diving is a fast growing, super fun sport for both dog and handler! Come join us! Be careful though, this sport is addictive!
** Dock Diving is currently not avaialable. We will post and announce when we can bring this popular class back again!!
You can teach old dogs new tricks! Young ones too! This is a laid back class designed to guide you and your dog into becoming skilled performers of both useful and maybe not so useful tricks! This is a favorite for keeping dog brains occupied and communication skills sharp. We are also evaluators for the AKC Trick Dog Program, if you’d like to participate and earn AKC titles! The sky is the limit for creative trick work. Come play with us!
Other Special Classes are offered occasionally- see our Facebook page for announcements!