Daycare: Play like a dog, 365 days a year
Why send your dog to daycare?
Daycare is an excellent alternative to staying home alone while the family goes to work or school. At Gulliver’s Doggie Daycare your dog will have the opportunity to play and socialize with other dogs in a controlled play group. As a result, your dog will be more comfortable around other dogs. Activity level at Gulliver’s Doggie Daycare will also help eliminate “boredom behavior” such as chewing and barking. After a day at Gulliver’s, most dogs are happy to settle in and snooze through the night.
Daycare can be a great solution for dogs who:
- Have high energy
- Are lonely
- Have separation anxiety
- Are destructive when home alone
- Need special attention
- Need some confidence building
- Want to release energy, be social, and have fun.
What does a dog do at daycare?
Dogs are allowed to be dogs! They can explore the various playground toys, bounce around with their buddies, or maybe take a dip in one of the pools. We discourage behaviors such as constant barking, rough (unsafe) play, and jumping up. During group play we practice simple obedience behavior such as coming to their name with each dog. If you’re interested, check out a dog daycare facility in Toronto for a great place for your pup to enjoy!
Where will my dog play?
We have approximately an acre of land divided into four yards. All of our yards have special dog playground equipment for exploration and enrichment. Pools are provided in the summer months. Fresh water and shade are always available. In inclement weather, dogs spend time in the indoor play area, with frequent outdoor trips for potty breaks.
Who will my dog play with?
Your dog’s group placement is decided based on size and temperament. All play groups are supervised to keep play enjoyable for all. Every dog is different and some dogs may take longer to adjust to playing in a group environment. At Gulliver’s, each dog’s introduction is customized with the dog’s safety and comfort in mind. After your dog has had a chance to acclimate to the new environment, we will introduce him/her to a few calm friendly dogs. From there we will integrate him/her into one of our main groups. If they are not comfortable we back up, give them more time, and try again. Sometimes individual dogs may not be suited to group play or the stimulation of our busy environment. We will discuss options and recommendations with these owners based upon our observations.
Examples of our play groups: 
- The Little Guys: Smaller breed dogs who have their specially built yard
- The Goofy Group: Outgoing, energetic, and usually adolescent dogs.
- The Big Yard: Mature dogs who appreciate a more “sophisticated socialization.”
- The Puppy Group: puppies, usually under six months
- Smaller, more individualized groups, or solo play
All groups are supervised by trained kennel assistants.
What if my dog doesn’t get along?
Many dogs that don’t do well with other dogs near their family can often play at Gulliver’s without an issue. We do have areas where dogs can play if they do not get along well with others, or need solo play. We do work with dogs who are uncomfortable around other dogs to build their confidence, or help them choose safe interactions. We take all kinds and are committed to working with dogs who may find social situations harder than others. Sometimes individual dogs may not be suited to group play or the stimulation of our busy environment. We will discuss options and recommendations with these owners based upon our observations.
Dirty Dog? No problem!
The best play often involves getting at least a bit dirty! Clean up is FREE at Gulliver’s. Request a clean up, and we will have your dog rinsed and towel dried for the ride home. Alternatively, request a bath for pick up! For just $20, your pup will be shampooed and dry when you get here.
What does my dog need to start?
We accept dogs four months and older who have completed their puppy vaccination series (DHLPP), and have received their Rabies, Bordatella, and Canine Influenza vaccinations. The Canine Influenza vaccination is not a core vaccine at all veterinary practices. Therefore, it needs to be specifically requested from your veterinarian. In addition to vaccines being kept current, male dogs over eight months of age must be neutered.
How do I get my dog started?
For your first visit, we need to verify that your dog’s vaccines are all up to date. You can send proof of vaccination ahead, through your customer portal, or email us at This allows us to verify your dog’s vaccines for you before your arrival. Alternatively, You are welcome to bring your vaccine records with you on your dog’s first day, though if there are any vaccines out of date or missing, we will not be able to take your dog until those are updated. You can create your customer account here to start the process! From there you will be able to make future reservations, sign your customer agreement, upload your dogs vaccine records and even pay your balance. If you need a hand or prefer we get the ball rolling for you, just give us a call or stop by. Reservations are not required for daycare, but you may prebook your dog’s visits via the customer portal, if you like. Reservations are required for overnight boarding as of 2/1/24.